Patient Demographics

The Patient Demographics screen presents all the information from your patient database in a concise, organized format.  All other features of WinMedStat integrate with the database, so you never need to enter data twice.  

Included in the Patient Demographics database is a prescription database and a referring doctor database.  In the prescription database, management of dosages and refills is simple and reliable.  The referring doctor database allows you to flag patients who require referrals to use your practice, as well as letting you keep track of which practices you refer patients to.

Keeping track of patient recalls is very straightforward.  Schedule when you want to see the patient again, and WinMedStat will flag the account and queue a reminder letter to be printed.

The Patient Demographic database integrates with Microsoft Word's mail merge function, allowing you to easily print mailing labels and custom form letters.

Ask us about importing data from your existing practice management program.